Guanglei Hui- Chinese Tai Chi Fan Dance

Originally from China, Guanglei Hui, is a professional dancer and choreographer with over 20 years experience. He is the founding director of Cross Move lab dance company; and he has toured in more than twenty countries, participating in numerous international arts festivals.

Guanglei received his dance education at the Bishkek International School of performing arts in Kyrgyzstan between 2001 and 2003, earning a degree in Choreography/Russian Classical Ballet Performance and Pedagogy. During his studies, he participated in the Bishkek International Dance Competition and won second place. In 2005, he joined Guangdong Modern Dance Company, the first ever modern dance company in China; in 2008, as part of GMDC member, he performed in an anniversary celebration of the Pina Bausch Dance Company in Germany; in 2011, he worked as an invited choreographer in Yokohama Dance Collection; in 2012, he was invited by the International Choreographers Residency Program (ICR) to participate in the American Dance Festival; in 2013, he joined White Wave Young Soon Kim Dance Company; in 2014, he began working with Shen Wei Dance Arts; in 2016, he was invited to Taipei Dance Round Table Project to work on a new original piece; and in 2018, he received the Artist Commissioning Program Grant from Queens Council on the Arts.

As an educator, Guanglei has taught at Queens College since 2017 and later at Peridance Capezio Center since 2018. In 2020, he became a teaching artist for Flushing Town Hall and has been offering Chinese dance and Tai Chi programs to junior high school and high school students.



Tai Chi Workshop/Residency In Person, Virtual

Tai Chi is one of the traditional Chinese martial arts. On one hand, it was designed as a unique and profound self-defense technique; on the other hand, Tai Chi focuses on body position and breath control. The movements are fluid, graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Tai Chi also provides the mental relaxation and physical fitness that are essential in our modern stress-filled lives. In this program, students will learn one of the classic Tai Chi styles named "Chen style". The program will start with a series of warm-up exercises. Students will then learn Chen style Tai Chi step by step, practicing how to achieve the harmony of their body and mind, and exploring Chinese culture and the complementary philosophy of yin and yang. This program can be provided as a one-time workshop or a residency.

Tai Chi Fan Dance Workshop/Residency In Person, Virtual

Tai Chi fan dance is a kind of Tai Chi dance with props. The main purpose of the program is to teach the fusion of Chinese fan dance and Tai Chi. It is a unique form of performance art that shows the perfect combination of rigidity and softness of dance. It combines Tai Chi with martial arts and dance movements. The movement is elegant, full of unrestrained beauty and martial arts. At the same time, it has the ornamental and artistic qualities of Chinese dance! Students will explore this special performance art form and learn the techniques to hold the prop in the dance. The program will start with a series of warm-up exercises, followed by step-by-step demonstration and practice of the dance movement.