Sangjaru: Korean Folk Fusion

FRI, FEB 21, 2025
8:00 PM

DATE: FRI, February 21, 2025
TIME: 8:00 PM Performance / Post-Show Reception: 9-10PM
General Admission: $25 Adults / $20 Seniors and Students with ID / $18 Members

Join us for an unforgettable evening of music and culture as Sangjaru, the renowned Korean folk fusion band, takes the stage! Blending the rich heritage of traditional Korean instruments with modern melodies and rhythms, Sangjaru creates a truly unique and electrifying sound that transcends borders and generations.

Sangjaru’s innovative approach breathes new life into Korea’s musical roots, combining the soulful melodies of instruments like the gayageum, janggu, and piri with fresh global influences. Whether you’re a fan of world music, a seeker of new sounds, or someone looking to connect with the vibrant traditions of Korea, this is a performance you won’t want to miss.

Reserve your spot now and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Korean culture with Sangjaru!

Join us for refreshments at our post-show reception and meet the artists!

About the Band

Sangjaru is a captivating Korean folk fusion band that merges the energy of traditional Korean music with the infectious rhythms of gypsy swing, funk, rock, and improvisation. The name "Sangjaru" originates from the combination of two Korean words, "sangja" (box) and "jaru" (sack). While a box retains a fixed form, a sack adapts to its contents. Inspired by this analogy, the band aspires to infuse new creativity into the rich traditions of Korean music. Through a blend of diverse musical influences, Sangjaru creates innovative cultural expressions that are both distinctive and exhilarating.

As the winner of the prestigious Sori Frontier 2019 competition, part of the Jeonju International Sori Festival, Sangjaru has been recognized for their exceptional talent and unique approach to traditional music. The competition aims to promote promising Korean artists to the global music scene, solidifying Sangjaru's reputation as one of Korea's most exciting emerging bands. Through their eclectic musical influences, Sangjaru creates captivating cultural expressions that captivate and delight audiences worldwide.

Band Members: Cho Sungyoon on guitar; Kwon Hyochang on janggu (hourglass drum) and kkwaenggwari (small gong); and Nam Seonghun on ajaeng (bowed zither).



2025 2 21 (오후 8

플러싱 타운  (137-35 Northern Blvd. Flushing, NY 11354)

상자루는 한국 전통 음악의 에너지를 집시 스윙, 펑크, 록, 즉흥 연주의 리듬과 결합하여 신선한 사운드를 창조하는 대한민국의 가장 혁신적인 밴드 중 하나입니다. 이 앙상블은 기타를 맡은 조성윤, 장구와 꽹과리를 맡은 권효창, 아쟁을 맡은 남성훈이 주축이 되어, 무대 위에서 독특한 매력을 발산합니다.

“천둥처럼 울리는 전통 악기들이 경쾌한 펑크록밴드 Talking Heads 스타일의 베이스와 섞인다” —  가디언

상자루는 2019년 세계적 명성의 전주국제소리축제에서 소리 프론티어 대회에서 우승을 차지하며 전통 음악에 대한 혁신적인 접근 방식과 뛰어난 재능을 인정받았습니다. ‘상자루’라는 이름은 ‘상자’와 ‘자루’의 두 한국어 단어에서 유래했습니다. 상자는 고정된 형태를 가지고 있지만, 자루는 그 내용에 맞춰 형태가 바뀝니다. 이 개념에 영감을 받은 상자루는 한국 전통 음악에 새로운 창의성을 불어넣으려는 목표를 가지고 있습니다.


LOCATION:  Flushing Town Hall Theater